Community Services:
Ian Roberts, owner of Below the Waterline Diving Services has been professionally diving for over 25 years.
He is a proud father of three children and devotes much of his time to giving back to the community.
Ian is currently a volunteer for the Ventura County Sheriff Search
and Rescue Team, part of the Mountain Rescue Association
- The Ventura County Search and Rescue Team is an ALL-VOLUNTEER organization.
- The Team is on-call 24 hours a day, 365 days a year!
- Team members are not compensated in anyway.
- Vehicles and some essential equipment is provided by the Sheriff's Department.
- Team members typically spend $2500 of their own money the first year on the Team and
$500-$1000 each year after to support their involvement with the Team.
- The Team is incorporated as a 501(c)(3). non-profit organization so we may accept
tax-deductible donations. We also sell shirts and other items to help raise money for the Team.
Here's a recent letter from Matt Schulz (founder)
Dear Ian,
We are appreciating your support tremendously.
This is likely the most difficult financial time for Life Sail Inc. We have faith that the tides capsize into our favor.
Good news: there is a search engine GoodSearch when used by friends every hit will produce an
income for Life Sail (Van Nuys, CA) so far we have gotten $22 and not many people have used it.
Also when people are using H&R Block and mention Life Sail Inc., each tax return will give us a $ 25 donation.
W are looking for the possibility of finding people who have room on a-, or an unused lot, or a hanger for possible dry
docking 2 - 3 boats (30’x 11’ x 13’)
Thank you.
Matt Schulz